Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Staying the course

Numbers 14 is an interesting but tragic story. This is where the children of Israel missed it, they were supposed to go into the promised land.. the final leg of their journey after many days and great miracles and deliverances in the wilderness.. just one more step and then total victory, fullness of joys.. and they got cold feet. How tragic!

They looked at what they were up against and on the surface it did look daunting.. so they retreated.. they forgot 2 key things.. first that they were not alone, God was with them and had already promised to see them through and secondly that God had done it before in the past. Wow! that great Red Sea crossing, the defeat of Pharaoh's army without lifting a single sword, the miracluous feeding of all in the wilderness etc etc etc.. but still they got cold feet and then worse, they complained again.. it was one complaint too many.. God had had enough.. they should have realised by now that it was not about them but it was about Him.. His power, His purpose... He revoked their entry pass into the promised land except for only 2, Joshua and Caleb, who never stopped believing and staying the course.. in fact they were nearly stoned by the children of Israel because of their steadfastness in believing God.

Its amazing but true.. you can miss out on God's perfect purpose for your life if you refuse to stay the course.. if you jump ship.. Yes sometimes the going may get tough.. and painful and sometimes very unpopular with those around us so much so that you may feel like the lone ranger.. even though He has promised never to leave or forsake you.. At these times, it is important that you remember that complaining and self pity is not an option.. rather than complain.. Pray.. rather than self pity.. Worship God as you look ahead with the eye of faith... it is also good practice to count your blessings.. He who has done great things in the past for you, your friend, family, church member.. He can do same and greater for you in this situation.. please remember these and stay the course of faith.

You are blessed!


  1. Thank you for this timely sharing. I do need to read about not giving up and how to keep going when it seems that things have changed.

  2. I am reading this again and it is even more powerful. You have a gift...

  3. Your message reminds me of the present world where people are busy searching for wealth and prosperity or salvation.
    In the time of peace and prosperity men are happy and gay and never think about God the provider. No heart feeling of thanking who the provider is. Day and night men are too occupied with daily activities right from the sun rise to the sun set.

    In the time of pain and sorrow, believe me, no man is exceptional from asking God for help or even cursing God for that matter. I have an uncle (was a non-believer, an animism at that time). He and my brother were going through a dangerous rapid and were about to capsize. You know what happen, my uncle shouted for help saying "Lord, help us." My brother was surprised. Months later he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

    During one's hard time, he will try to search for a God for help. After everything settle, he will continue to keep in touch with God or he will soon forget who that helper was. That's why God allows us to be in pain sometimes so that we will ask for his help and experience His love and mercy. For a christian will understand that God will never let his people be tempted beyond their strength as in 1 Corinthian 10:13.
